Rustico 302 Promotion

Overstocked on Rustico 302. Was $249 per square metre, now $199 per square metre, and FREE delivery for 5 square metres or more


HEIGHT 300mm WIDTH 300mm DEPTH 8-18mm

Hardwood timber species

Meranti | Sepetir | Taun | Teak | Mulberry | Nyatoh



How many tiles do I need?

To work out the number of tiles needed, Simply work out your area to cover in square metres and multiply this by eleven. This will give you the number of tiles need to cover that area.

For example, 2.27 square metres is 2.27 x 11 = 24.97, so you will need to purchase 25 tiles.


Renaza special – Rus 301 – One square metre remaining

Just one square metre remaining – free delivery

Discounted to $169 per square metre – heavily discounted

(Discount on delivery will need to be with purchases of other tiles)

Last remaining stock of Rus 301 straight edge tile (this is the last remaining stock of the non interlock style)

Product Specs

HEIGHT 300mm WIDTH 300mm DEPTH 8-13mm

Hardwood timber species

Meranti | Sepetir | Taun | Teak | Mulberry | Nyatoh



How many tiles do I need?

To work out the number of tiles needed, Simply work out your area to cover in square metres and multiply this by eleven. This will give you the number of tiles need to cover that area.

For example, 2.27 square metres is 2.27 x 11 = 24.97, so you will need to purchase 25 tiles.